Xanthomonas species is Gram-negative, plant pathogenic bacterium that produce yellow pigments, and cause severe plant diseases in approximately 400 different plant species (
Ryan et al., 2011). Among them,
X. campestris pv.
vesicatoria (Xcv) causes a bacterial leaf spot disease on pepper and tomato, which is one of the most destructive diseases for these hosts (
Vauterin et al., 1995). The bacterium is able to penetrate into their host through stomata, hydathodes, and wounded sites in humid conditions, and colonizes the intercellular area, forming water-soaked lesions. Subsequently, the disease causes small brown spots to appear on the leaf, stem, and fruit. The interaction between Xcv and its host have been studied extensively as a model system at the molecular level, and the Xcv genome sequence had been determined (
Park et al., 2014a;
Seong et al., 2016;
Thieme et al., 2005;
Wengelnik and Bonas, 1996).
Segregation and condensation protein B (ScpB) protein is one of components forming the structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) condensin complex, which plays pivotal roles in chromosome condensation and segregation in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms (
Hirano, 2006). In bacteria, ScpB from
Bacillus subtilis is one of well-characterized ScpB proteins (
Soppa et al., 2002;
Wang et al., 2014). The
scpB null mutant was not viable in the fast growth conditions and produced anucleate cells and formed aberrant nucleoids in the slow growth condition. In addition,
Dervyn et al. (2004) reported that The SMC-ScpA-ScpB complex could interact physically with sensor histidine kinases and transcriptional regulators via ScpA to regulate gene expression in
B. subtilis. This suggested that the SMC complex, containing the ScpA and ScpB proteins, might be involved in controlling gene expression. However, the functions of ScpB in Gram-negative bacteria, including
Xanthomonas spp., are poorly understood.
To hypothesize and characterize the functions of genes/proteins, diverse techniques, including transcriptomic and proteomic analyses, have been used. However, the expression patterns of proteins do not always correlate with those of RNAs because of post/transcriptional/translational modification, processing, and regulation (
Gry et al., 2009). For example, a proteomic analysis revealed that the abundance of NanA, a putative N-acetylneuraminate lyase, in
Escherichia coli was reduced significantly (over 5 fold) after methyl-methane sulfonate treatment (
Di Pasquale et al., 2016). However, the mRNA expression of the
nanA gene was not altered. Therefore, protein profiles should be investigated to predict of gene/protein functions under specific conditions. In addition, the proteomic analysis of the ScpB family has not been reported.
In this study, we report the functions of ScpBXv (ScpB-like protein in Xcv. Accession No. MF040724) encoded by XCV2516 in Xcv. To characterize ScpBXv functions, we generated a scpBXv knockout mutant (XcvΔscpBXv) and compared proteins levels and patterns between the wild-type and XcvΔscpBXv strains using label-free shotgun proteomic and cluster of orthologous group (COG) analyses. We also used several phenotypic assays, including the growth rate under various conditions, biofilm formation, and virulence. The results presented in this report allowed to elucidate the functions of ScpB-like proteins via a combination of phenotypic and proteomic characterization in Gram-negative bacterium.
X. campestris pv.
vesicatoria (Xcv) strain 85-10 (
Thieme et al., 2005) was used as the wild-type in this study. Standard molecular techniques detailed in
Sambrook et al. (1989) were used. To generate the knockout (KO) mutant (XcvΔ
scpBXv), the 1.2 kbp region of
scpBXv was amplified using gene specific primers (F: 5′-ttcactgccgaagaaggcaa-3, R: 5-taaacgaccagcaccgcaa-3′). The amplified fragment was ligated into the pGem T-easy vector (Madison, USA) and then digested by
BamHI. The digested, cloned
scpBXv gene was interrupted by the kanamycin-resistance cassette and the construct was introduced in Xcv by electroporation (Hercules, California, USA). To construct the plasmid for complementation, the open reading frame of
scpBXv was amplified from Xcv genomic DNA by PCR using gene specific primers (F: 5′-ctcgagatgcgccgttgcaattctcc-3′, R: 5′-gccggagccagacaccaccaccaccaccactgaagctt-3′). The amplified product was cloned into vector pGem T-easy and confirmed by sequence analysis. The construct was digested with
XhoI and
HindIII and ligated into the broad host range vector pBBR1-MCS5 (
Kovach et al., 1995). The plasmid was introduced into XcvΔ
scpBXv and the complemented strain, XcvΔ
scpBXv (ScpBXv) was confirmed by PCR. The empty pBBR1-MCS5 vector was also introduced into Xcv and XcvΔ
scpBXv, generating both Xcv (MCS5) and XcvΔ
scpBXv (MCS5), which were used as the wild-type and
scpBXv mutant in this study.
ScpB is known to be involved in bacterial reproduction (
Soppa et al., 2002;
Wang et al., 2014). For example, the
scpB KO mutant in
B. subtilis was lethal at 37°C (fast growth condition), whereas the mutant was viable, but its growth was reduced at 23°C (slow growth condition) compared to the wild-type. Therefore, we investigated the effects of ScpBXv on Xcv growth in fast (28°C) and slow (22°C) growth conditions (
Fig. 1). In contrast to ScpB in
B. subtilis, XcvΔ
scpBXv (MCS5) was viable in both fast and slow growth conditions (
Fig. 1A, 1B). In addition, the growth of XcvΔ
scpBXv (MCS5) was slower than this of Xcv (MCS5) in both conditions. In the wild-type strain, the exponential phase started at 12 h and 24 h after incubation in the fast and slow conditions, respectively. However, the growth of the mutant was retarded (about two-fold) from entering the exponential phase in both conditions compared with the wild-type, indicating that the
scpBXv gene is also involved in adaptation or preparation for the exponential phase in Xcv. The growth of the complemented strain, XcvΔ
scpBXv (ScpBXv), was comparable to that of the wild-type in both media (
Fig. 1A, B), indicating that the mutant used in this study did not have a polar effect. These results indicated that the function of ScpBXv in Xcv is slightly different from that in
B. subtilis because the scpB knockout mutant of
B. subtilis was lethal under the fast growth condition. It is also possible that Xcv possesses other proteins that can compensate for the functions of ScpBXv in the given conditions. We also tested the growth of the mutant in XVM2, which is a defined, plant-mimic growth condition medium. XVM2 has been used to study virulence-related gene expression and function because the medium is similar to
in planta conditions (
Wengelnik et al., 1996a,
b). Strikingly, the three strains, Xcv (MCS5), XcvΔ
scpBXv (MCS5), and XcvΔ
scpBXv (ScpBXv), displayed similar growth patterns in XVM2 (
Fig. 1C), indicating that ScpBXv did not have any effect on the growth of Xcv under synthetic, plant-mimic conditions.
Dervyn et al. reported that the SMC-ScpA-ScpB complex regulated gene expression via a two component system (TCS), DegS and DegU, which is involved in virulence (
Dervyn et al., 2004;
Murray et al., 2009). Therefore, we examined the virulence of XcvΔ
scpBXv (MCS5) toward tomato plants by checking bacterial growth on the plants. Xcv strains (10
5 colony forming units/mL) were inoculated into VF36 tomato plants (
Kim et al., 2013) by infiltration with a needle-less syringe. Both the wild-type and the complemented strains showed clear disease symptoms on all leaves at 15 days after inoculation (
Fig. 2A). However, the leaves infected by XcvΔ
scpBXv (MCS5) still displayed a greenish color. In addition, the bacterial growth patterns of three strains were compared for 9 days in 3-day intervals (
Fig. 2B). The number of XcvΔ
scpBXv (MCS5) in the infected tomato leaves was dramatically reduced (over 10-fold) compared with that of Xcv (MCS5), demonstrating that the mutant has reduced virulence compared with that of the wild-type. Growth of the complemented strain was restored to the wild-type level. The growth patterns of the wild-type and the mutant were similar in plant-mimic conditions (
Fig 1C); therefore, these results suggested that ScpBXv is indispensable for full virulence and/or optimal growth in tomato plants.
It is clear that ScpBXv is involved in replication in fast and slow growth conditions, as well as in the virulence of Xcv. In addition, the SMC-ScpA-ScpB complex is involved in regulation of gene expression in
B. subtilis (
Dervyn et al., 2004;
Wang et al., 2014). Therefore, to predict ScpBXv functions and to identify its related cellular and biological process, patterns of protein abundance in the wild-type and XcvΔ
scpBXv were compared using a label-free shotgun proteomic technique as described previously. (
Park et al., 2014a,
2016). Briefly, Xcv strains grown in tryptic soy broth were harvested at an optical density at 600 nm (OD
600) of 0.3. Proteins from three biological replicates were extracted and digested with trypsin (Promega). After washing with the Sep-Pak Vac 1-cc tC18 cartridges (Waters), tryptic-digested peptides were loaded onto an LTQ Velos Pro instrument (Waltham, Massachusetts, USA) combined with a split free nano-liquid chromatography column (LC, EASY-nLC II, ThermoFisher). Raw data were imported into ThermoFisher (Waltham, Massachusetts, USA) via SEQUEST to identify the presence of proteins/peptides by comparison against the Xcv strain 85-10 databases from the National Center for Biotechnology Information. All accepted Xcv peptides showed 0.01 a false discovery rate and the probability scores were at least 20. Proteins showing at least two unique peptides were selected. Selected proteins were imported again into Scaffold 4 (Portland, Oregon, USA) for comparison. Peptide spectrum match (PSM) scores were used as the comparative values (
Choi et al., 2008). PSMs from an individual protein were normalized against the total PSMs from a sample and the proteins detected in the three biological replicates were used. The mean PSM values of the three replicates were calculated per protein to show differentially (over 2-fold) abundant proteins. Finally
t-test was carried out for statistical analysis.
At least 70,000 PSMs were found in all three biological replicates from the wild-type and XcvΔ
scpBXv strains (
Supplementary Table 1). From PSMs, 1322, 1335, and 1375 proteins were assigned as present in the wild-type; and 1342, 1381, and 1265 were in XcvΔ
scpBXv. Among these proteins, a total of 1189 and 1141 proteins were shared commonly in the three biological replicates from the wild-type and XcvΔ
scpBXv, respectively (
Supplementary Table 1), and these shared proteins were used for comparative analysis. We found that 102 and 85 proteins were differentially (by over 2-fold) abundant in the wild-type and XcvΔ
scpBXv, respectively (
Supplementary Table S2, S3). Taking into account the 4726 predicted coding sequences in the genome (
Thieme et al., 2005), these data indicated that the levels of about 4.0% of proteins in Xcv were affected directly or indirectly by ScpBXv.
Next, to predict ScpBXv’s functions and its related cellular mechanisms, clusters of orthologous groups (COG) analysis (
Tatusov et al., 2000), which has been used widely to classify proteins and predict their function, was employed for the 187 proteins whose levels was altered. Proteins belonging to cell wall/membrane/envelop biogenesis, intracellular trafficking, and defense mechanisms were more abundant in the mutant compared with the wild-type (
Fig. 3). However, proteins related to transcription, coenzyme metabolism, and signal transduction were highly expressed in the wild-type compared with XcvΔ
scpBXv (
Fig. 3). Among these proteins, six of transcriptional regulators, including LacI, IcIR, and LysR types, and four of TCS-related proteins were found in transcription or signal transduction categories in the wild-type (
Supplementary Table 2). However, any transcriptional regulators were not listed in the mutant (
Supplementary Table 3). As mentioned previously, the SMC-ScpA-ScpB complex is associated with controlling gene expression through the TCS systems and IcIR-type transcriptional regulators (
Dervyn et al., 2004). Similarly, the comparative proteomic analysis suggested that TCS systems and transcriptional regulators are associated with ScpBXv-mediated mechanisms in Xcv. These data suggest that ScpBXv is involved in bacterial reproduction/replication as well as regulation of protein expression in Xcv.
The LacI, IcIR, and LysR-type transcriptional regulators are involved in the regulation of virulence and biofilm formation in bacteria (
Aguilar et al., 2014;
Mao et al., 2017;
Sadykov et al., 2011). In addition, biofilm formation correlates with virulence in pathogenic bacteria (
Ham, 2013;
Torres et al., 2007). Therefore, biofilm formation was examined using a 96-well PVC plate assay as described previously (
Park et al., 2014b) because XcvΔ
scpBXv was less virulent than the wild-type and five of LacI, IcIR, and LysR-type regulators were only detected in the wild-type. To prevent an effect from their different growth abilities, XVM2 medium was used for this assay because the growth of XcvΔ
scpBXv did not differ from that of Xcv(MCS5) in this medium. The biofilm formation ability of XcvΔ
scpBXv was significantly reduced compared with that of the wild-type, suggesting that ScpBXv is involved in the regulation of biofilm formation (
Fig. 4). The complemented strain restored the ability to form a biofilm to the level of the wild-type. Plants often produce and secrete antimicrobial agents against bacterial infection and the bacterial biofilm is a well-characterized strategy to protect themselves against these agents or harsh environments. Thus, reduction of biofilm formation might be one of major factors that caused the attenuated virulence of XcvΔ
In this report, we employed diverse functional assays and comparative proteomic analysis to characterize the roles of the protein encoded by scpBXv, a previously unreported gene in Xcv. Although it is clear that ScpBXv is involved in bacterial replication, similar to other ScpB proteins, the protein might have different roles in Xcv, because the growth patterns of XcvΔscpBXv were not identical to the previously reported ScpB mutant under the given conditions. In addition, we further demonstrated that ScpBXv is involved in bacterial virulence and biofilm formation, indicating that it might possess other functions in Xcv, which are currently under-investigation. Finally, our findings also suggested that comparative proteomic analysis was very effective to suggest the roles of a protein of interest.