Specific Primer for Detection of Jujube Witches` Broom Phytoplasma Group (16SrV) in Korea |
Sang Sub Han |
Abstract |
In order to diagnose and differentiate jujube witches`broom (JWB) phytoplasma rapidly, oligonucleotide primer pair, 16Sr(V) F/R, for polymerase chain reactions (PCRs) was designed on the basis of 16S rRNA sequences of JWB phytoplasma. The PCR employing phytoplasma universal primer pair P1/P7 consistently amplified DNA in all tested phytoplasma isolates. But no phytoplasma DNA was detected from healthy jujube seedlings. The nested PCR, the primer pair 16S(V) F/R,about 460 bp fragment, amplified DNA in all tested JWB and related phytoplasmas including ligustrum witches` broom phytoplasma of the 16S rRNA group V,but no DNA amplification was detected from other phytoplasma strains such as groups 16SrI (Aster yellows) and 16SrXII (Stolbur group) in which mulberry dwarf phytoplasma and chrysanthemum witches` broom phytoplasma belong to, respectively.The same results were obtained from both Korean and Chinese isolates of JWB phytoplasma. Nested-PCR using phytoplasma universal primer pair P1/P7 and 16SrV group-specific primer pair 16S(V) F/R could detect group V phytoplasmas rapidly and easily, in particular JWB phytoplasma. |
Key Words:
jujube witches` broom, oligonucleotide primer, PCR, phytoplasma |