Altered Sulfate Metabolism of Arabidopsis Caused by Beet Severe Curly Top Virus Infection |
Hong Gun Lee, Sung Hee Park, Dong Giun Kim, Taek Kyun Lee, Seung Shic Yum, Chung Kyoon Auh, Suk Chan Lee |
Abstract |
Sulfur, an important component of plants, is regulated by a variety of stresses in sulfate assimilation and metabolism. Increase has been observed in the expression of O-acetylserine(thiol)lyase (OASTL) through two-dimensional electrophoresis with the shoot tips of Arabidopsis infected by beet severe curly top geminivirus (BSCTV). With the three- to six-fold increases in the transcript expression of OASTL, serine acetyltransferase (SAT) and γ-glutmylcysteine synthetase (GSH) were induced over the mock-inoculated organization in each organization through real-time RT-PCR analysis.The expression of those genes might affect the accumulation of anthocyanin in symptomatic tissues and the induction of abnormal callus-like structures formed by additional cell divisions as typical disease symptoms of BSCTV-infected Arabidopsis. This is the first report to describe the collaborative induction of OASTL, SAT,and GSH in virus-infected plants. The changed expressions of OASTL, SAT, and GSH in Arabidopsis infected with BSCTV raises new aspects regarding the biological function of symptomatic tissues related to sulfate metabolism. |
Key Words:
O-acetylserine(thiol)lyase, Arabidopsis, BSCTV, γ-glutmylcysteine synthetase, serine acetyltransferase |