An Unrecorded Species of Nematode-trapping Fungus, Dactylella pseudoclavata in Korea |
Dong Geun Kim, Joong Hwan Lee, Hyun Ok Kim |
Abstract |
Dactylella pseudoclavata that captures nematodes in adhesive networks was isolated from nematode-infested strawberry plants from Andong, Korea. It produces obclavate, 0-1 septate conidia, 30-40 μm long and 8-11 μm wide, with round distal ends and bases shaped like bottle-necks. The conidiophores were simple, occasionally branched, 150-300 μm long, producing 1-4 conidia at the apex. Chlamydospores were abundant, intercalary or catenulate, yellowish to brown, globate or subglobate, wart on the surface, 30-35 × 25-30 μm in size. This is the first report of Dactylella pseudoclavata in Korea. |
Key Words:
Dactylella pseudoclavata, predatory fungi, nematophagous fungi, adhesive network |