Plant Pathol J > Volume 28(4); 2012 > Article
The Plant Pathology Journal 2012;28(4):373-380.
DOI:    Published online December 31, 2012.
Identification of a Gene Encoding Adenylate Kinase Involved in Antifungal Activity Expression of the Biocontrol Strain Burkholderia pyrrocinia CH-67
Kwang Youll Lee, Hyun Gi Kong, Seon Woo Lee
Burkholderia pyrrocinia CH-67 is a biocontrol bacterium with strong antifungal activity against several plant pathogenic fungi. Transposon mutagenesis was performed to identify the genes responsible for the antifungal activity of B. pyrrocinia CH-67. Of the 2,500 mutants tested using the Fulvia fulva spore screening method, a mutant deficient in antifungal activity, M208, was selected. DNA sequence analysis of the transposon-inserted region revealed that a gene encoding an adenylate kinase-related kinase was disrupted in M208. Antifungal activity was restored in M208 when a full-length adenylate kinase gene with its promoter was introduced in trans. The deduced amino acid sequence of adenylate kinase from CH-67 was 80% identical to that of B. cenocepacia MCO-3. Adenosine diphosphate supplementation or high levels of adenosine triphosphate and adenosine monophosphate together restored antifungal activity in M208, suggesting that adenylate kinase of B. pyrrocinia CH-67 is involved in antifungal activity expression.
Key Words: adenylate kinase, antifungal activity, Burkholderia pyrrocinia, Fulvia fulva

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